Virtual Online California Real Estate Transaction Coordinator Service Company
California's Premier Transaction Coordination Service
Basic is the standard transaction coordinatior assisted service.
The agent works together with the TC making sure everything is signed properly and all parties have the correct paperwork.
• Communicate with buyer / seller
• Manage contract deadlines and notify parties regarding
contingency removals
• Execute all contract addenda after binding contract is received
• Collect signatures for contract documents and addenda
• Audit, organize, and ensure files are state compliant
• Complete agent commission breakdown sheets for
Escrow /Title
• Ensure buyer / seller is well informed of transaction every step
of the way
• Provide an electronic copy of completed file

The exclusive VIP Contract to Close transaction service is designed for the agent that desires premium full service TC service. With the VIP Contract to Close service, the agent essentially submits the contract to the TC and picks up their commission check in their mailbox at close of escrow.
• Execute all contract addenda after binding contract is received
• Open escrow with title company
• Collect signatures for contract documents and addenda
• Audit, organize, and ensure files are state compliant
• Complete agent commission breakdown sheets for Escrow /
Title company
• Ensure buyer / seller is well informed of transaction every step of
the way
• Helping with client education and answering questions
• Order Natural Hazard Report
• Coordinate and schedule Photographers
• Coordinate and schedule Stagers
• Schedule all inspections
• Communicate with buyer / seller
• Communicate with Lender
• Communicate with Title company
• Deliver disclosures to all parties
• Upload complete disclosure files to MLS
• Create listings in MLS
• Confirm Title and Lender commitment
• Schedule and coordinate Open Houses
• Coordinate and schedule appraisals
• Set up showing instructions on agent's preferred showing
• Provide professional vendor recommendations to agents and
buyer / seller clients
• Order home warranties and send to title companies
• Auditing, organizing files for state compliance and specific
• Coordinate and schedule final walk throughs and closings
• Review and audit Settlement Statements prior to closing
• Provide utility and moving resources to buyer clients
• Coordinate agents commission check delivery with escrow
With all TC services agent is responsible for final overview of